7 Tips To Boost Testosterone Naturally

As we age, our bodies produce less testosterone than we’re used to. This can have many of us feeling lower sex drive, less energy, and decreased willpower.

Thankfully, there are simple, natural ways men can help maximize testosterone levels and feel stronger to take on the day.

Read below to discover our 7 best tips that cover how to boost testosterone naturally.

1. Getting Enough Sleep

Many men are surprised to learn there’s a strong relationship between sleep and testosterone. Having a normal circadian rhythm with proper REM sleep supports a healthy hormone balance that keeps you feeling your best.

As we age, getting enough sleep can become harder, and this can negatively impact serum testosterone levels. Unfortunately, men who experience sleep issues are at increased risk for Low T. One example of this is the noted link between low testosterone and sleep apnea.

By focusing on your sleep and getting enough shut-eye, you’re not only going to feel more refreshed, you’re also going to support healthy T-levels that will have you feeling sustained energy and drive throughout the day.

2. Maintain a Balanced Diet

Surprisingly, what we eat can have a big impact on testosterone levels. Certain foods can help keep endocrine systems healthy, while others may be robbing us of our natural male drive.

So what’s the best diet for testosterone? Here are some general guidelines to stick by:

  • Eat More Protein (chicken, beef, fish, black beans)
  • Consume Plenty of Seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, chia)
  • Don’t Ignore Fats (olive oil, fatty fish, ghee)
  • Include foods that can help balance blood sugar levels (vegetables, salad greens, legumes)
  • Avoid Alcohol

Certain foods as part of a healthy diet have even been associated with higher T-levels, and are a great addition to any diet for low testosterone:

  • Pomegranates
  • Oysters
  • Fish (tuna is especially high in Vitamin B6)
  • Diindolylmethane - Rich Vegetables (Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Kale)

3. Exercise and Stay Active

Exercising while maintaining a healthy body weight is one of the single best healthy lifestyle choices men can make to raise their T-levels and start feeling like they’re younger.

Research has shown a strong connection between higher testosterone and physical activity. This makes sense because after all, testosterone is the “warrior hormone” that keeps us lean and helps us build muscle.

As testosterone rises, it’s easier to add on muscle. And the more muscle we put on, the more T we can produce. In this way, weight lifting and testosterone go hand and hand in daily life.

Here are some healthy ways to incorporate more exercise into your lifestyle:

  • Going on morning walks
  • Adding resistance band exercises
  • Using low-impact machines like ellipticals and cable weight machines
  • Short sprints / rollerblading

Other forms of exercise:

  • High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
  • Resistance Training
  • Strength Training
  • Aerobic Exercise
  • Weight Lifting

4. Spend More time Outdoors and Get Regular Sun Exposure

T-levels can significantly improve with more sun exposure. Once we spend consistent time outside, it’s almost as if this “warrior hormone” knows it needs to be unleashed.

Science backs this up — more sun exposure and healthy Vitamin D levels have been heavily associated with healthy levels of T. Getting at least 30-45 minutes of direct sunlight per day is a great way to raise your testosterone naturally to more normal levels.

To avoid sunburns, try to get your sun exposure during the morning or late afternoon, when the sun’s rays are less harsh.

5. Reduce Stress and Cortisol

Cortisol, the “stress hormone,” can negatively impact testosterone levels. As we experience more stress, our bodies release Cortisol, which directly lowers T.

Over time, constant stress can even leave noticeable physical impacts caused by not having enough testosterone, including weight gain and difficulty achieving erection.

The best way to combat this is to lower daily stress so that your body can resume naturally producing testosterone. Here are a few simple ways to decrease stress and lower cortisol levels:

  • Incorporate daily deep breathing exercises (full inhale followed by full exhale, repeated 10 times)
  • Avoid stressful situations
  • Focus on positive developments
  • When faced with obstacles, try to be optimistic
  • Listen to calming music
  • Spend time in nature

6. Address Nutrition Deficiencies

When our bodies don’t have the nutrients they need, testosterone production can grind to a halt. That’s why it’s important to eat a diverse array of foods that provide a wide range of nutrients.

This will help keep your testosterone at normal levels, plus additional health benefits like helping reduce body fat and improving sleep.

Here are some nutrients that are especially vital for healthy testosterone levels in men:

  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin B6
  • Zinc

7. Consider If The Problem Is Not Natural

While most men will see a drop in testosterone levels as they age, many men experience sharper declines than others.

Men who have lower than normal T levels report symptoms such as low sex drive, decreased energy, and lowered motivation.

Thankfully, FountainTRT now offers free evaluations for men to check whether their testosterone levels are within a healthy range.

For men who qualify as Low T, they can now easily raise their T-levels with a simple, once-per-day prescription testosterone cream (if appropriate medically).